Can I renew items I have checked out?
Yes, as long as the following are all true:
- a hold has not been placed on the item by another user who wants to borrow it
- you have not reached the maximum number of renewals
- your account is in good standing
To avoid overdue fines and blocked renewals, renew items on or before the due date.
Some kinds of materials generally can’t be renewed, such as:
How do I renew?
You have four options:
- Online (see instructions below)
- Email us at
- For regular book loans, call the circulation desk at (646) 312-1660 (check circulation desk hours before calling)
- Click the renewal link in the email reminder we send out in the days before your item is due.
Online Renewals
In OneSearch, click “Sign in” in the top right corner (or use this shortcut link to the “Sign in” page).

Enter your CUNY Login username and password (these are the some ones you use for Blackboard and CUNY First).

Once logged in, you’ll see a “My Account” page. Click “Loans.”

On the Loans page, you’ll see a list of all the items you’ve checked out. Click the “RENEW” link next to the ones you want to renew (extend the loan period).

You should get a confirmation message (“Renew successful”).

Why am I unable to renew?
Renewals will not be granted if:
- the item has been requested by another person
- the item is long overdue
- the renewal limit has been exceeded
- there is a block on the your record
- your library account has expired
- the item is in the category of things that generally can’t be renewed, such as:
Call the circulation desk at (646) 312-1660 or email for help.