When the Technology Loan Desk is closed, stop by the Circulation Desk (if open) to borrow tech items there.
Service desks (circulation, tech loan, reference) open later and close earlier than the library itself.
“circ desk only” is posted on those days during Intersession when the library is staffed but is closed to all students except for the following service:
Students who need to return borrowed items (books, calculators, laptops, etc.) or who need to clear fines from their account, may stop by the circulation desk from 9 am – 5 pm.
There are no other in-person services available to students in the library on these days (printing, use of study rooms, checking out items, etc.)
Baruch faculty may enter the library during these days to borrow materials and use other services.
Library closed
January 20 (Monday): Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday