The library can set up in-person or online access to course materials for your students (e.g., books, articles, films, etc.) in our “course reserves” service. For materials placed online, we refer to that part of the service as “e-reserves.”
course reserves request form
How do students find the e-reserves page for my course?
Easiest way: Use the link in Brightspace course sites:
- Baruch students: in the course site, click the “Library Resources” link in the horizontal navigation bar.

- CUNY SPS students: in the course site, click the link for “E-Reserves” under “Library” in the horizontal navigation bar.

This Brightspace route uniquely bypasses the need for the student to enter the assigned course password to view the e-reserves page.
Alternate way: Go to the library web page listing all the courses with e-reserves. Students will need to have the course password to view the course page.
Can all course reserve materials be put online?
Many but not all can be. Some items are not available in digital form (such as traditional textbooks).
- Online/digital materials are put in our e-reserve service (a dedicated library page is set up for each class to access these items).
- Physical items, such as print books, are kept in the library for short-term borrowing periods (usually 3 hours).
How can I put items on reserve?
Complete the course reserve request form.
To ensure your materials are ready for the start of a semester, the form should be submitted by these dates:
- Fall semester: August 1
- January session: November 15
- Spring semester: December 20
- Summer sessions: May 15
We need enough lead time before classes start so that we can:
- review copyright requirements for each item
- purchase or pay for licenses for works as needed
How quickly can I get items put on reserve?
Type of Material Requested |
How Long It Will Take to Process Your Request |
Books / DVDs owned by the library |
1-2 business days |
Books / DVDs the library will buy |
15-20 business days |
Streaming films and videos |
15-20 business days |
Articles, book chapters, links, etc. |
2-3 business days |
We need enough lead time before classes start so that we can:
- review copyright requirements for each item
- purchase or pay for licenses for works as needed
What limits are there on what I can put on course reserves?
Before putting most materials online, we will need to review them for copyright compliance.
We can add links on your e-reserve page to any licensed or freely, legally available online content:
- Books and book chapters
- Open access textbooks
- Open educational resources (OERs)
- Articles
- Websites
- Streaming videos
- Podcasts
- Government reports and documents
We can link to all your required course materials but can only link to up to 5 items that are “suggested” or “recommended” items for your students.
All items put on reserve will be evaluated to ensure copyright compliance.
What do I need to know about copyright and fair use?
Generally accepted guidelines offered by the U.S. Copyright Office and adopted by most educational institutions suggest the following qualify for fair use for course reserves:
- A single chapter or less than 10% of a book
- A single article from a journal issue
- A single poem from a collection
- A single chart/illustration from a publication
What about Harvard Business Review articles and Harvard case studies?
- Due to the publisher’s notably restrictive licensing terms, we cannot link directly to any Harvard Business Review magazine and website content in the database where we have online access (Business Source Complete).
- On an e-reserves page for your class, we can provide up to 5 citations for required Harvard Business Review articles along with search instructions that your students can follow to find the articles themselves in the Business Source Complete database.
Case studies
- Libraries are not able to purchase or license case studies from Harvard Business School Press. Students will need to purchase them directly from the publisher.
- We cannot provide links on e-reserve pages to those items on the publisher’s website.